Asian Lion - Characteristics, Habitat, Behaviour, Diet and Images

The Asian Lion (Panthera leo persica) is a subspecies of the lion which endures today just in India and along these lines, it is otherwise called the Indian lion. Asian Lions once ran from the Mediterranean to India, covering the majority of Southwest Asia where it was otherwise called the Persian Lion. 

The present wild populace of Asian Lion comprises of around 350 people confined to the Gir Forest in the territory of Gujarat, India, and is under the private insurance of the leader of the little state. The Asian lion living spaces incorporate tropical dry woodlands, tropical meadows, deserts, and semi-deserts. 



Contrasted with their African cousins, Asian lions have shaggier coats, with a more drawn out decoration on the finish of the tail and longer tufts of hair on the elbows. The most perceptible physical trademark found in every Asian lion, however infrequently in African lions, is a longitudinal overlay of skin running along their gut. 

The mane of the Asian lion is commonly shorter than that of the African lion, so the ears are constantly obvious. Asian lions are, by and large, marginally littler than African lions. 

Male Asian lions measure 1.7 – 2.5 meters long and weigh 150 – 250 kilograms, while female Asian lions measure 1.4 – 1.75 meters long and tip the scales at 120 – 182 kilograms. The Asian lions tail midpoints around 70 – 105 centimeters in length. 

Like all felines, Asian lions are furnished with incredible retractable paws and long sharp canine teeth that are utilized in hauling their prey to the ground. 

ASIAN LION Behavior 

Like their African cousins, Asian lions are profoundly agreeable creatures living in social units called pride. The Asian lion pride is littler. Studies have appeared most Gir prides contain only two grown-up females when contrasted with the normal African pride which contains 4 to 6 grown-up females. 

The biggest recorded female alliance of Asian lionesses is a gathering of five. In any case, it must be said that in spite of the little populace and territory zone, a couple of individual creatures are known. The male Asian lions are less social and possibly partner with pride when mating or on a huge murder. It has been proposed this might be on the grounds that their prey creatures are littler than those in Africa, requiring fewer seekers to handle them. 

Like African lions, chasing is an agreeable issue however grown-up guys once in a while take an interest. On the off chance that vegetation is meager, chasing more often than not happens during the evening, however where it is thick, it might likewise occur during the day. The Lions use stealth to approach their prey and after that charge and either snatch or thump it down before it surpasses them. Just one in around four charges closes effectively. Lions are inert for the vast majority of the day, going through as long as 20 hours out of each day resting or dozing. 


Mating isn't occasional and happens throughout the entire year. Male Asian lions achieve sexual development at around 5 years of age and female Asian lions achieve sexual development prior at around 4 years of age. The growth time frame keeps going for between 100 – 119 days after which 1 – 6 fledglings are conceived. Interims between births can be 18 – 26 months. 

The fledglings begin eating meat at around 3 months of age while proceeding to suckle for as long as a half year. They go through 9 months idealizing their chasing aptitudes, become free matured one and achieve development at 3 to 4 years. Offspring mortality is high, up to 80% may bite the dust before 2 years old. The life expectancy of the Asian lion is 16 – 18 years. 


Like every single wild feline, the Asian lion is a meat eater. The average eating regimen of the Asian lion is deer, impala, wild hog and bison. 


Asian lions are classed as basically jeopardized creature. Official insurance by the royal government was given in 1900, in any case, with expanding human populace, overgrazing, and pulverization of backwoods spread, the reasonable environment was decreased to around 1,300 square kilometers. In 1957, three African lions, scarcely unique in relation to their Asian relatives, were discharged in the Gir Forest asylum. Their expansion has shown that such a methodology may guarantee the proceeded with the presence of the lion in Asia. Around 85 Asian lions get by in bondage.
