Asian Elephant - Characteristics, Habitat, Behaviour, Diet and Images

The Asian Elephant (Elephas Maximus), is found principally in enormous pieces of Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Indochina and parts of Indonesia. The Asian elephant is viewed as jeopardized, with somewhere in the range of 25,600 and 32,750 people left in nature. Asian elephants have a place with the group of elephants (Elephantidae), which is incorporated into the warm-blooded creature request 'Proboscidea'. The Asian elephant was some time ago called the Indian elephant. 

Asian Elephant


The Asian elephant has a huge domed head with generally little ears, a curved back and a solitary prehensile finger that is situated at the tip of the storage compartment. An Asian elephant has 5 toes on the facade of the feet and 4 on the back. A huge male Asian elephant can normally gauge 6 tons and measure 10 feet in tallness at the shoulder. The male Asian elephants have tusks and the females have 'tushes', which are brief second incisors that simply stand out past the upper lip. 

An Asian Elephant has a low neck which is bent upwards and projecting brows which shows up as two observable knocks. They are under lip is long, restricted and pointed. An Asian elephants skin is less wrinkled than the African elephants and just about half of Asian Elephant bulls have long tusks. 

Asian elephants have rather poor vision and are just fit for seeing obviously at short separations up to around 10 meters. In any case, they have fantastic hearing which is better than human guidelines. Their enormous ears go about as intensifiers and caution of potential perils. Asian elephants have a magnificent feeling of smell which is believed to be better than that of some other land warm-blooded creature. They have astounding parity accomplished by high material sense. The storage compartment, a staggeringly flexible organ, contributes significantly to this capacity. 


Male Asian elephants are very singular and just join the crowd for mating seasons. Once in a while, male elephants will duel and the champ turns into the essential mating accomplice for the entire crowd. The female Asian elephants flee for a brief timeframe, as a major aspect of custom, before mating with the successful mate. The mating couple at that point stays together for around 3 weeks before the male heads off to the single guy group. 

The incubation time of the female Asian elephant is somewhere in the range of 19 and 22 months. When she conceives an offspring, the other group females structure a hover around the pregnant dairy animals. She accepts a hunching down position while conceiving an offspring and the birth takes around 2 hours. Only 2 hours after birth the calf can stand up and starts to suckle the mother. 

Child elephants (calves) suckle their mom utilizing the mouth and not their trunks. Child elephants are weaned on milk for between 2 to 4 years. In spite of the fact that the calf will normally be pulled in to its mom, different females in the crowd frequently alternate to care for the infant. On the off chance that the mother bites the dust, at that point the other female elephants take care of the stranded calf. 

In locales where enormous carnivores, for example, huge felines, go after recently conceived elephants, the mother shapes unions with other group individuals. Mother and related defenders at that point blow dust over the new-conceived calf with their trunks so as to dry it. 

Female elephants can tolerate youthful at 15 years old – 16 years. They are completely developed at 20 years of age. Elephants are in their working prime between 20 – 40 years of age. Female elephants begin going bare around 30 years of age and start to back off at around 40 years of age and start to carry out possibly light responsibilities just when they achieve 50 years of age. Female Asian elephant lives to associate with 70 years of age. 


  • Elephants are the biggest of all land animals. 
  • A male elephant can stand 2.7metres (9 feet) in stature. 
  • A male elephant can weigh between 3 – 5 tons. 
  • Female elephants can stand 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) in stature. 
  • Female elephants can weigh between 2.3 – 4.5 tons. 
  • Recently conceived infant elephants (calves) remain at around (0.9 meters) 3 feet. 
  • Recently conceived child elephants gauge 90 kilograms (200 pounds). 


The elephant's trunk is the most flexible of every single creature organ. The storage compartment can be utilized for such different errands as moving a 600 kilograms log to get a piece of sod. It is a boneless mass of fragile living creature and contains up to 100,000 muscles that are truly adaptable. It is generally 2 meters in length and weighs around 140 kilograms. 

The storage compartment has a little finger like lip toward the end which can recognize estimate, shape, surface, hot and cold. The creature utilizes its trunk to bolster and drink by carrying sustenance and water to the mouth. An elephant likewise utilizes its trunk to inhale, make clamors, stroke its young. At the point when completely submerged in water, the storage compartment can likewise be utilized as a snorkel. Trunks can hold six liters of water and are frequently utilized as an adaptable shower hose pipe. It is a magnificent organ of smell and can be coordinated effectively towards where the smell is coming from. 

By beating the ground fiercely with the storage compartment the elephant flag its annoyance or dismay. At the point when an elephant is on precarious or new ground, it will utilize the outside of the storage compartment to beat the earth, deciding whether the ground is firm enough to stroll on. When wellbeing is affirmed, the front foot is pushed ahead onto the tried zone. The back foot pursues and is deliberately put in the very same impression.
