Ants - Characteristics, Habitat, Behaviour, Diet and Images

For in excess of 100 million years, ants have been living on the Earth. They can be found anyplace on the planet. Starting in 2006, there are 11,880 known subterranean insect species, the majority of which live in hot atmospheres.

Ants are individuals from the group of social creepy crawlies which means they live in sorted out provinces. The group of ants is known as the Formicidae of the request:

Hymenoptera (A request of exceedingly concentrated bugs with the complete transformation that incorporate the honey bees, wasps and ants that frequently partner in enormous states with the complex social association).



There is an incredible decent variety among ants and their practices. Ants run in size from 2 to around 25 millimeters (about 0.08 to 1 inch). Their shading may differ, most are red or dark, yet different hues can likewise be seen, incorporating some tropical gatherings with metallic brilliance.

Subterranean insect Behavior 

Ants are a standout amongst the best gatherings of bugs in the set of all animals. They are specifically compelling in light of the fact that they are a social creepy crawly and structure very sorted out states or homes which now and then comprise of a huge number of people. States of obtrusive subterranean insect species will once in a while cooperate and structure super-settlements, spreading over a wide zone of land. Insect settlements are here and there portrayed as superorganisms since they seem to work as a solitary substance.

Ants have colonized pretty much every landmass on Earth. They can comprise up to 15% of the complete creature biomass of tropical rainforest; in the Amazon, the joined load of the ants is said to be multiple times bigger than that of the tetrapods in a similar region. It has additionally been evaluated that the joined load of all ants surpasses the heaviness of humankind.


Numerous ants eat the sweet liquid called 'honeydew' discharged by aphids. A few animal varieties keep and ensure aphids – once in a while even in their very own homes. Ants will transport aphids from plant to plant and bring the eggs into their province for the winter. Ants will likewise safeguard aphids from bug predators, for example, woman bugs and lacewings, by assaulting them in enormous numbers. Aphids are ants most loved sustenance!

Subterranean insect NESTS 

Ants are spotless and clean creepy crawlies. Some laborer ants are given the activity of taking the trash from the home and putting it outside in an extraordinary junk dump. Every settlement of ants has its own smell. Along these lines, gatecrashers can be perceived right away. Numerous ants, for example, the regular Red species have a sting which they use to protect their home.

A few types of insect are known for assaulting and assuming control over the settlements of others subterranean insect species. Others are less expansionist however in any case similarly as forceful; they assault states to take eggs or hatchlings, which they either eat or raise as specialists. A few ants, for example, the Amazon Ants, are unequipped for bolstering themselves, yet should depend on caught specialist ants to think about them.

Subterranean insect COMMUNICATION 

Subterranean insect correspondence is practiced principally through synthetic substances called pheromones. Since most ants invest their energy in direct contact with the ground, these concoction messages are more created than in different Hymenopterans. So for example, when a forager discovers sustenance, she will leave a pheromone trail along the ground on her way home. Home is commonly situated using recollected tourist spots and the situation of the sun as distinguished with compound eyes and furthermore by methods for extraordinary sky polarization-identifying filaments inside the eyes.


Ants are helpful for getting out creepy crawly bothers and circulating air through the dirt. Then again, they can progress toward becoming nuisances when they attack homes, yards, gardens, and fields. Woodworker ants harm wood by emptying it out for settling. Homes might be demolished by following the subterranean insect trails back to the home, at that point emptying bubbling water into it to execute the ruler.

Common chalk can be utilized to keep ants under control; drawing a line or hover around the shielded territory may keep them from entering.

In certain pieces of the world, enormous ants have been utilized as sutures (join) by squeezing the injury together and applying ants along with it. The subterranean insect in a cautious frame of mind catches the edges in its mandibles and secures. The body is then cut off and the mandibles can stay set up for as long as three days shutting the injury.

A few animal varieties, called executioner ants, tend to assault a lot bigger creatures during scrounging or in guarding their homes. Human assaults are uncommon, yet the stings and nibbles can be very agonizing and in enormous enough numbers can be handicapping.


An ant colony, in its easiest structure, is a heap of earth, sand, pine needles, or mud or a composite of these and different materials that development at the passageways of the underground residences of subterranean insect settlements as they are developed. A settlement is constructed and kept up by armies of laborer ants, who convey minor bits of earth and vegetation in their mandibles and store them close to the exit of the province.

Ants typically store the earth or vegetation at the highest point of the slope to keep it from sliding over into the state.

Be that as it may, in certain species they effectively shape the materials into explicit shapes and may make home chambers inside the hill.

An insect state is an underground refuge where ants live. Settlements comprise of a progression of underground loads, associated with one another and the outside of the earth by little passages. There are spaces for nurseries, sustenance stockpiling, and mating.
