Anaconda Snake - Characteristics, Habitat, Behaviour, Diet and Images

Anacondas are four types of amphibian boa occupying the bogs and streams of the thick timberlands of tropical South America. The Yellow Anaconda can be found as far south as Argentina. It is indistinct how the name started so distant from the snakes' local territory. It is likely because of its obscure comparability to the huge Asian pythons. 

Neighborhood names for the Anaconda in South America incorporate the Spanish expression 'matatoro', signifying 'bull executioner', and the Native American terms 'sucuri' and 'yakumama'. Boa constrictors as individuals from the Anacondas family are in some cases called 'water boas'. The Latin name for Anaconda is 'Eunectes' signifying 'great swimmer'. 



There is some discussion about the greatest size of Anacondas and there have been unconfirmed cases of gigantic snakes asserted to be up to 30 – 45 meters (98.4 – 147.6 feet). A few Anacondas, which live in the water, can reach up to 30 feet long. 


The Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) is the biggest individual from the Anacondas group of snakes and the most substantial bodied individual from the super-request 'Squamata'. The Green Anaconda is among the biggest snakes on the planet. It equals the Reticulated Python long, however, is commonly extensively heavier. It can weigh 250 kilograms (551 pounds) and have a circumference of in excess of 30 centimeters (11.8 inches) in breadth. 

Female Anacondas constrictors are altogether bigger than guys, having the biggest sexual dimorphism of the considerable number of snakes. 

The essential shade of the Green Anaconda is an olive green, with dark blotches that run the length of the body. Their head is restricted contrasted with the remainder of the body, with most showing unmistakable orange-yellow striping on either side. Their eyes are set high on their head in order to enable the snake to have the option to see out of the water without uncovering the remainder of its body. 


The Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus), is local to South America in nations, for example, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, western Brazil, and upper east Argentina. The Yellow Anaconda is littler than the more outstanding Green Anaconda and achieves a normal grown-up length of around 3 meters (9.8 feet). 

Yellow Anacondas have a yellow/dark colored base shading with dark blotches and rosettes. Yellow Anacondas live in generally sea-going environments including bogs, swamps and brush secured banks of moderate moving waterways and streams. 

Pretty much every type of snake on earth has teeth, yet the Anacondas teeth are not utilized for biting. Most snakes teeth are utilized for clutching their prey, keeping them from getting away. A few snakes have venom in two uncommonly structured, additional long teeth which they use to execute their prey. 

Anacondas constrictors have teeth, in any case, they are not a venomous snake. They depend on their colossal size and capacity to repress their unfortunate casualties. It is conceivable to be chomped by an Anaconda, yet the nibble itself would not be deadly. 


The Anaconda diet incorporates deer, wild pigs, feathered creatures and enormous rodents and furthermore sea-going creatures, for example, fish and reptiles (caiman). Anacondas constrictors swim well and murder their prey by choking them. In the event that that does not work, they suffocate them. These snakes can endure a very long time without eating. 

Anacondas constrictors likewise regularly feed on ungulates, capybaras, peccaries, turtles, sheep and canines. They have been known to every so often go after panthers and assaults on people can be affirmed, in spite of the fact that this is uncommon. 

Anacondas gulp down their prey, beginning with the head. This is so the legs overlay up and the prey goes down easily. The Anaconda can swallow prey a lot greater than the extent of its mouth since its jaw can unhinge and the jaw bones are approximately associated with the skull. While the snake eats, its muscles have wave-like withdrawals, smashing the prey considerably further and flooding it descending with each nibble. 

Anacondas Behavior 

The Anaconda is most dynamic around evening time which makes it a nighttime reptile. In spite of the fact that they are not venomous, they protect themselves by exacting serious chomps, however, slaughter its prey by narrowing. 

Most neighborhood individuals murder these snakes immediately, out of the dread that they are man-eaters. In many cases, if an Anaconda detects people in the territory, it will withdraw toward another path. Human demise by an Anaconda is very uncommon. Anacondas constrictors themselves are preyed by panthers, enormous caimans and by different Anacondas. An injured Anaconda can likewise fall prey to piranhas. 


The Anaconda is a land and/or water capable snake. It brings forth live youthful. More youthful Anacondas feed on mice, rodents, chicks, frogs and fish.
