American Oystercatcher Bird - Characteristics, Habitat, Behaviour, Diet and Images

The American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) is a typical sight on rough and sandy shorelines and saltwater tidal ponds on Galapagos. It has a splendid red bill which it utilizes as a clamshell opener. The American Oystercatcher has high contrast plumage, the top piece of its body and its wings are dark, the underparts white. 

American Oystercatchers feed on scavengers and mollusks and are likewise ready to open crab shells with their solid bills. 

These attractive looking countershaded waders utilize their splendid bill to wound a bivalve between the shells of numerous mollusks and cut the solid adductor muscles to get at the meat inside. 

The American Oystercatcher has a boisterous harsh call and is much of the time both seen and heard around the shoreline. 


American Oystercatcher 

American Oystercatchers watch the shorelines for nourishment and are to some degree receptive, they really approached the voyagers. Chicks are regularly observed endeavoring to get their very own sustenance when only half a month old. This conduct is commonplace of shore winged creatures who are less dependant on their folks than ocean fowls. 

Albeit American Oystercatcher populaces are low, the species isn't ensured under the Endangered Species Act. 

American Oystercatchers are recorded as a type of worry in a few states due to low and declining populaces, and dangers to seaside living spaces. Dangers incorporate improvement and recreational utilization of settling shorelines. 

Oystercatcher species list: 

  • Magellanic Oystercatcher, H. leucopodus 
  • Blackish Oystercatcher, H. ater 
  • American Black Oystercatcher, H. bachmani 
  • American Oystercatcher, H. palliatus 
  • Canarian Black Oystercatcher, H. meadewaldoi † 
  • African Black Oystercatcher, H. moquini 
  • Eurasian Oystercatcher, H. ostralegus 
  • Pied Oystercatcher, H. longirostris 
  • South Island Pied Oystercatcher, H. finschi 
  • Chatham Island Oystercatcher, H. chathamensis 
  • Variable Oystercatcher, H. unicolor 
  • Dirty Oystercatcher, H. fuliginosus 
